This rule has already been in place for decades in minor league games, but let's be honest, who really watches minor league games (yay for mediocrity!)? Details on the bill were introduced recently and include banning the use of smokeless tobacco from the field, dugout, and locker room. However, the bill does not mention anything about spitting it on the umpire's shoe.
The senators believe that more and more kids are starting to use smokeless tobacco products, an increase of 36% since 2003, because they see their idols on the baseball field chewing tobacco. Experts trace the usage back to T-ball games and believe the same kids that chew tobacco because they see it on the baseball field are the same ones who show violent tendencies because of video games, and get shot nine times because 50 Cent did (remember when he was popular? I think I was 11...). It is reported that these kids are also "serial likers" on Facebook, constantly "liking" things that, well frankly, all of us do.
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Also a concern for the senators, the fact that players may be sneaking illegal steroids into their chewing tobacco. Authorities were tipped of as to this when the noticed players gaining 20 pounds of muscle mass in one inning. Many current and former baseball players are for this bill, including Pete Rose, who despite supporting the bill, has placed significant bets against it passing.
Many believe that this bill will bring positive change to the game because people in the stands, who are already bored off their asses watching the game, don't really want to see players spitting poo-colored liquids every ten seconds.
One of the players that will be effected by this bill is this guy,
who looks like he's having a gay ol' time.
In other sports news, multiple sports teams played multiple different times of sports in multiple different games today, all of which had a winner and a loser. In most games, the losers were the fans who paid top dollar to sit in the back of the stands, next to some fat guy drinking Bud Light, yelling at the team because he's a better coach than the person being paid millions of dollars to coach is.